Luminary Kit Distribution (or: what is this bag of pea gravel doing on my porch?)

Luminary kits were assembled today, thanks to Will Pearce and his crew! Trustees will distribute them to the houses in the upcoming days; people on corner lots receive two kits. Instructions for setting up the luminaries are inside the bags and you can see p2 of your December Colonial Hills Courier, for more information. We ask that you set up the luminaries and light them on Sunday, Dec 15, at 7pm. PRO TIP: the pea gravel in the grocery bags is damp and usually soaks through, so store the bags in a garage or unfinished basement where you won’t mind the moisture.

The luminary distribution is the beginning of a busy week for our neighborhood:

  • Saturday, Dec 7: Luminary kit bundling, with distribution ongoing through the week
  • Sunday, Dec 8: CHCA holiday party at the Selby shelterhouse 3-5pm. Fun for all ages!
  • Tuesday, Dec 10: CHCA monthly meeting @7:30 at the Selby shelterhouse
  • Wednesday, Dec 11: Annual holiday decorating contest. Leave your lights on 7-11pm for our judges to evaluate and determine award winners!
  • Sunday, Dec 15: Luminary Night! Assemble & light your luminaries and put them out. Wander the streets to enjoy our neighborhood on what is a truly beautiful celebration. Check out the holiday decoration award-winning houses. Join neighbors at the Selby shelterhouse to celebrate.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact a CHCA officer (see “Contacts” page) or your trustee (see “Trustees” page). Happy holidays!

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