City of Worthington Meetings – Recommendation for NW Regional Emergency Comm Center

Upcoming meetings have been scheduled (see below), regarding Worthington City Council considering a recommendation to join the Northwest Regional Emergency Communications Center for the City’s emergency 911 dispatching services.

The Northwest Center is operated by the City of Dublin, and serves Dublin, Upper Arlington, Hilliard, Washington Township and Norwich Township. This recommendation comes after years of study and extensive analysis conducted by a team of City staff, including Police Chief Jerry Strait, Fire Chief John Bailot, Assistant Fire Chief Mark Zambito, Assistant City Manager Robyn Stewart, Finance Director Scott Bartter, and Personnel Director Lori Trego, who are jointly making the recommendation.

As part of the process, the study committee is holding several public events to share information about the recommendation and to answer questions from the community. There will be four opportunities for the public to connect:

Monday, April 29 at 7:30am
Worthington Fire Department (6500 N. High St)
Coffee with the Chiefs

Wednesday, May 1 at 7:00pm
Griswold Center (777 High Street)
Public Forum

Monday, May 6 at 5:30pm
Linworth Alternative School (2075 W. Dublin Granville Rd)
Public Forum

Wednesday, May 8 at Noon
Old Worthington Library (820 High Street)
Coffee with the Chiefs

If you’d like to learn more about this recommendation, or are unable to attend one of the public meetings, you can find more information at the City of Worthington web page The site includes extensive information about the recommended partnership with the Northwest Center and details about these major benefits:

  • Reducing the time it takes for emergency help to arrive for people who call 911 from their cell phones.
  • Communication technicians will have enhanced medical training and will stay on the line with the caller while a separate technician dispatches emergency help.
  • Provides resources for Worthington to stay current with advances in 911 technology and operations.
  • Worthington firefighters, medics and police will still respond to your calls for help.
  • A greater capacity to manage large-scale emergency events.
  • More exposure and training for low frequency, but high risk events, such as large structure fires.
  • The Northwest Center is a highly trained, certified, professional center that provides a high level of service and support for callers as well as public safety personnel.

The City hopes to see you at one of the public meetings!

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